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  • Coir Hanging Designer Pots

    Coir Hanging Designer Pots


    Rs.329.00 / Piece


    A designer hanging pot is a decorative and functional vessel that is designed to hang from a ceiling or hook. It is typically made of a variety of materials such as clay, ceramic, metal, or glass and is often adorned with unique designs and patterns to enhance its aesthetic appeal.

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    - Sara
    Loved this product.... awesome

    Attribute Content Qty.Count Price / Qty
    , 10 Inch 1 329.00
    , 12 Inch 1 349.00

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    - Sara
    Loved this product.... awesome

    Attribute Content Qty.Count Price / Qty
    , 10 Inch 1 329.00
    , 12 Inch 1 349.00