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  • Root Power

    Root Power


    Rs.249.00 / 100 ml


    Product Description:
           Root power is a concentrated mixture of nutrition for the roots. It is used regular growth period of a plant.But is very suitable when the plant undergoes stress like in transplanting or tranporting them.
          It increases root strength and activates new root growth.
          Fruit enzymes , Humic acid, Plant based Amino acid and other vital supplements.
         Take 4 ml of solution in a One liter bottle and fill it up with water.
    Application Process:
         1. First irrigate the plant well.
          2. Apply the Solution around the root.
          3. Apply the solution in a weekly schedule.
          4.  For optimum results apply the solution during sunset.
    Direction of use:
         1. Seedling stage          : 100 ml per plant.
          2. Young plant stage    : 300 ml per plant.
          3. Mature plant stage  : 500 ml per plant.
    Application tips:
         Use protective gloves and mask, if you are allergic to smell.
    Storage tips:
         1. Don't keep under direct sunlight.
          2. Store in a cool dry place.
          3. Keep out of children's reach.

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    - Pavani
    Good Product...

    - Santhiya
    It is a very good for roots and it helps in good growing speed

    - Maya

    - Mari
    Very effective.

    - Anthony
    Product is good and helps plant grow faster

    - Mathan
    Well packed . Very good products too

    Attribute Content Qty.Count Price / Qty
    1 249.00

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    - Pavani
    Good Product...

    - Santhiya
    It is a very good for roots and it helps in good growing speed

    - Maya

    - Mari
    Very effective.

    - Anthony
    Product is good and helps plant grow faster

    - Mathan
    Well packed . Very good products too

    Attribute Content Qty.Count Price / Qty
    1 249.00